Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Many things will go wrong but…

By Mark Ramos
I sit and wonder why I have had endured so much bad luck since I have arrived in Cagli. The cell phone that I am using is not working like it is suppose too so I cannot reach my family back in Spokane. I still have not found an individual to interview for my project and my rough draft is due in 5 days. The darn computers that we are using are MacBook Pros, which I am completely unfamiliar with. My first post that was due on Sunday was lost when I wrote my observation on my colleague’s notebook because I did not know how to save the document. And, then there are the doves that coo so loud before the break of dawn that they wake me up. They are worst than alarms since you cannot shut them off.

Regardless of the many distracting setbacks that I have endured in the last 5 days since arriving to Cagli I choose not to give in to the many distractions and plug away with the modules and finish strong with Zag pride. With all good events there are bound to be negative occurrences that will happen along the way. On the positive side, I have made amazing friends from across the states, India, and Israel. I have even made friends with a gal from Oregon who is a Tri City Americans hockey fan, the mortal enemies of the Spokane Chiefs. Go Chiefs go. I have experienced only a small portion of the many wonderfully breathtaking elements of Italian culture has to offer, and I look forward to what else that I will experience next. Coffee and ice cream lovers would be in heaven in Italy. Gelato is amazingly delicious.

I know the dilemmas that I have endured are learning experiences that Creator has placed in my path to overcome and cherish later on when I am back home in Spookaloo. I will get through Cagli with the help of my fellow students, and from the fantastic Gonzaga staff members. I am trying to recall a quote from the Leadership in Film class that I had in the spring, “There can not be a rainbow  without a storm.” 


  1. The Tri-City Americans rule; Spokane Chiefs drool!

  2. I don't feel the need to respond quite as strongly given Shannon's post. :)

    Just keep in mind how pretty our uniforms are. It's a start and we can work on the rest later. :)
