The sauce of many pasta dishes, red sauce, the classic tomato sauce, is an unofficial symbol of Italian food and culture.
While many Americans testify to having eaten the “best Italian food ever” in some restaurant in the heart of some multicultural city’s “little Italy”, it’s true – if you want the best you have to go to the source.
Apparently, garlic and onions don’t both go in the sauce! That’s our American taste adding extra “flavor”.
So here are the ingredients of a classic red sauce:
- ½ chopped red / purple onions (this is one place where it’s okay to add more “seasoning” by adding a whole onion)
- enough olive oil to coat the bottom of a pot
- canned petite tomatoes (or whole tomatoes pureed)
- salt to flavor (pinches, not the whole box!)
It’s that simple.
It also makes me wonder…why did some American ever feel the need to add anything extra?! This is how American – Italian is created, or American - insert any other culture, for that matter. Perhaps this notion of “American-izing” cultural elements is a way of creating a comfortable adaptation; selectively appreciating the uniqueness while still maintaining the dominant features of our natural culture. But I must say, authentic red sauce , it’s worth full adopting as is, no extra seasoning needed!
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